Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Yard

Thursday I stayed home from the office due to some work being done there that made doing my job impossible.  Good stuff, just not the kind I could work through.  

I had been putting off some yard chores waiting for nicer weather.  Thursday became that day.  I was great, Shawn and Tim worked clearing the witches broom for a couple of hours while I began the year re-potting of plants and such.  The witches broom is on going issue along with mountain misery that all the boys have been asked to spend an hour a day on till we get some serious clearing done.  I cleared weeds and old growth from the bath tub..... see picture.  Seemed like a good thing to put tomato plants in with all the critters that could have their way from gophers to deer, protecting plants around here is a challenge.  I prepared another small strip next to the gazebo so I could plant the pepper plants Peggy brought me a couple weeks ago. (Everything went on hold till after Annual Conference!)

Later in the day, Michael S. with the help of a couple of friends began the work on the flower/garden bed that has been dormant for years, then last year, Mike filled it with the unusually massive amount of acorns that fell from the trees.  The bed then began growing mass amounts of baby oak trees and now needs to be eradicated of all sprouts!

Good progress, but just the surface of all that needs to be done.  Kind of like the hearts of those who live here.  So many weeds growing where they do not belong, and yet I know Jesus is the perfect gardener who knows just how much to pull and prune so as not to stun or destroy, but to cause life to grow more abundantly. Praying they desire to know my Gardener.

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