Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life at whirlwind pace

It's complicated.  So much going on.  Still soaking in the tragedy of Victor's wife Crystal dying from the horrible parasailing accident, and just a few days later Joe, MY Joe, (daughter in law calls him G.I. Joe, and that's awesome, but he's MY Joe to me.) calls before I'm even awake to tell me he's been transferred to another Unit on the last day of in-processing.  O.K., not such a big deal. Oh wait, that's not the reason for the call.  The new unit is being deployed asap.  THUD AGAIN!
Craziness abounds.  I cry.  I worry. (yeah, I know, trust in God, doing that, but my Mommies heart is just another story!) Must tell husband, who immediately begins asking questions I can't answer,then goes to search the new unit online. It's a whole new Army, not like the days the only communication was via actual hand written letters by your soldier.Today, unit's have Facebook and the commanders, well, mostly their assistants, twitter! Information abounds.....at least info the Army lets you know. I go and wake Mikey and Jared, seems important enough to wake everyone to let them begin the stress of deployment.  Why should Mom have all the fun?

It's been a week now since we got the news, and I've settled down.  We have an actually deployment date for early August and he's to Tattoine, as he say, a galaxy far, far away.  Iraq.  I guess it's the less scary of the other options out there, but given all I've been through, let's just say my Mommies heart is on guarded optimism.
Flash forward to the  things at the house.  Companies arrives tomorrow, major juggling of the beds, the enlistment of nearly every member of the Colfax Crew to whip the house into shape so we put the on the dog. Ah, and speaking of dogs, Chance appears to be gone. Been missing two weeks, and not at the pound.  I strongly suspect that the last morning we saw him he got too close to Mama Bear, or Mama Deer or the Mountain Lion was really hungry.  Bad timing, could really use that wonderful dogs sweetness and joy he's brought us all.  

Going to see Joe and Krista soon.

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